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feelin’ old

ever go somewhere, look around and just feel…old?! i did and i don’t like it! we headed out east to celebrate the high school graduation of my now college aged cousin Steve. i shutter at the thought! it feels like only yesterday that Steve, his sister Kelly and I were covered in chicken pox, from head to toe. we spent a few days laying on the couch, lifeless, drinking juice and watching the elephant show. what a summer!

it wasn’t an immediate sense of elderness. it kinda just creeped up on me. as the teeny boppers and fellow graduates rolled in, it started to hit me. even if i tried, they would all look at me as…old!

we tried. we tried real hard to fight the feeling. my hubs more than me. who do you think you are playing a college game like beer pong?


looks like you need some practice buddy. object is to get the ball IN the cup, not as far away as possible.

kelly reminded the hubs that he would in fact be considered the creepy old guy at the college party if we ever decided to take the drive to visit her at school.

i agreed!

he doesn’t seem to think so. and tried to prove it to himself and apparently everyone else that this wasn’t the truth. oh sweetie, it is soooo the truth.

leave the darn kids alone. they don’t want to hear what it was like partying in the early 90’s when seattle grunge was taking over and nirvana and pearl jam were all the rage. (p.s.-they are laughing at you not with you!)

jen tried to keep up with a quick game of badmitton. that’s going to hurt in the morning.

(i’m going to get in trouble for that one!)

hey craig…guess what? your old too!! (happy birthday by the way, to the best bro-in-law around! yet another year older today!)

we’re no longer able to sit at the kiddie table. we’ll have to stay off to the side with the “old” people. sorry mom i didn’t mean it literally. isn’t my mom the most beautiful  ever.

she has some pretty snazzy feet too! or at least she thinks so. it’s her trademark.

i’ll just sit over here with gram. she loves to chat it up. telling stories about bingo and the olden days.

to be young again. carrying kids around on your back without needing a tylenol the next day just to get out of bed.

enjoy it kids. you won’t be young forever. unless of course you are aunt lee.

she still keeps up with the kids. her constant competitive nature leaves her no rest for the weary. i mean it…she will make a game out of anything, just so she can rub it in when she wins!

thanks steve. thanks for having us at your “don’t you feel old party”. your not old yet…but i think you are old enough to lose the juice box!

good luck in all you do and have fun getting old!

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