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kids, carnivals and cotton candy

there is nothing better than a warm night at a carnival. i am not sure what it is about it but it is just the epitome of summer. the smells of spilled beer, burnt zeppoli’s, porta potties and ride exhaust. the rides, aka portable death devices (rides that can be easily packed up and taken around the country should not be allowed!) the waiting in line for ridiculously over priced tickets. it’s the same story every time we go. and we go ALOT. if there is a fireman’s fair within a 20 mile radius we’re there! and each time we go i wonder why.

it’s the same thing over and over. it never really changes. but the kids love it. every glow in the dark necklace is just as exciting as the first. and the routine never changes.

the girls wait anxiously. their love/hate relationship spikes during a bought of anxious boredom.





looks like love, but i’m not quit sure

last year was the first year the girls really “got it” and they wanted to go on every ride, over and over and over and…you get the point. i was enormous and miserably pregnant last year so i didn’t get to enjoy the excitment as much. i was on official purse patrol, the entire summer!

i thought i was going to have my turn but this year the girls got to enjoy the attractions on their own. i did do the “big” slide though. do those potato sacks need to be that itchy? really? can’t we come up with something a little less harsh on the coolie and just as slippery?

they rode the typical kiddie rides. dumbo (kira has not yet been to disney world, she doesn’t know yet that it’s not the real deal…and don’t any of you tell her! october will be here soon enough!), the carousel, the monkey maze.

by chance we met up with huner and lizzie, the girls cousins. boy were they excited and just in time to fill up a tub, of fun. doesn’t look like much fun to me. looks like an accident waiting to happen.

i vaguely remember asking hunter to watch out for girls and if they wanted the ride to slow down, that HE was in charge of stopping this barf machine from spinning. he happily agreed .

apparently he did not understand what i was saying!


i saw my little precious thing spinning wildly and i got more and more nervous with every turn. but she was having fun. i bottled up the anxiety and just kept clicking.

i’ve told you that aly has a really hard time sitting still. it is very apparent that even while spinning at the speed of light, she finds it necessary to want to evacuate the tub, not out of fear, she has none, but because it might add to the fun she is already having!

good lord, she makes me nervous.

we yelled.

she listened.

just watching them made my stomach queasy. i thought for sure that would be the end of the evening. nope back to the monkey maze. 47 more times. we were surely done now. exhausted, filthy and feet aching. nope. a fair is never complete without a big ball of sugar on a stick, an hour before bedtime.

it’s sticky and almost void of any flavor at all. it dissolves before it even hits your taste buds, so why do we bother? as nasty as it i, you just have to spend the $6, take a taste and then toss 3/4 of it in the trash. and as you walk to the car, you spend 36 minutes discussing how gross it is.

then we went home. soaked in the tub and watched the filth filter down the drain. got in jammies and called it a night. i think a post fair shower is a close second to the just got home from the beach shower. i love summer. whens the next fair?

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