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Time for Change

I don’t usually work well with change. I am a creature of habit and change is not usually my friend. Today, I embrace change! Today I learn to suck it up and learn new things, new things to make my life easier (eventually, once I get the hang of it). Change that will bring only good things, and change that helps make me a better me.

As many of you may have noticed, some time ago my blog took a turn for the worst. Some how I was marked as spam. Me of all people was branded malicious! Not sure how it happened but it did. I swear it wasn’t my fault! I spent endless nights and too many hours to count trying to fix the “mess” that was created by some meany out there screwing around with things (obviously you can tell I am so far from technical). I tried and tried but the help I needed was far beyond my means. I cried, I sobbed I had bad dreams about it. Then it hit me. It was time for a do-over. If I was going to make change, I was going at it at full speed!

I reached out to the wonderful, patient, kind and amazing artist, Genevieve of Lilac Creative (she made our fancy Prop Insanity site). I explained to G that I needed to junk my website (I never had time to update it) and I needed a blog overhaul. She came to my rescue immediately. We started designing the new Ultimate Photog BlogSite.

I finally feel like I have my own “place” on this ginormous online world. A place to showcase my work as well as share my life stories all in one easy to navigate, fun home!

Cruise around. Check out the new galleries (essential for a Photog), My super cool landing page that can take you wherever you want to go and a new colorful logo that just makes me smile! We are still evolving and make some changes.

My favorit part (so far) is my own little blah blah blog, as I call it where I can just shoot the breeze, chat it up and share my life with with whoever is bored enough to read it!


So I will be able to advertise and link you, my loyal readers, to my favorite shops, cool finds and great friends I have made out here on this journey. We are still working out some minor tweaks, tweets and updates and reader subscription will be added soon and I am sure my ever changing thought process will bring on even more cool things to come!

The biggest squeeze goes out to G! I thank you from the kindness of my heart for being so dear and patient and for putting my thoughts and dreams on paper (I mean on screen). You ROCK like no one else!! I can’t thank you nearly as much as I should!

Here’s to change! And to good things to come!

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