i’d say were more than half way home and it feels really good to see the light at the end! the process so far as not been nearly as excruciating as i thought it would be…it was harder to move out for three whole days then it was to live amongst the mess and now here we are with not a whole lot of mess and the messiest of stuff is behind us! was it tough to live in just bedrooms? sure. has it been a real pain in the a$$ to have a fridge in my bedroom? annoying, yet more convenient than you think, lol and yes its been SUPER frustrating trying to keep 4 bellies full with out a kitchen, but we MADE IT!!
i wasnt going to do before and afters until we were finished, but its snowing, AGAIN, and we cant get out so i took some 3/4 of the way finished afters. enjoy!