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and this is why i carry my camera everywhere!

i have never in her 3.5 years of life been able to get a shot of my niece with her looking directly at me and my lens. I usually capture something like this.


or this


she is the sweetest little thing but sure gets distracted VERY easily. she is always posed so nicely but her eyes will literally go in every direction except on me.

i had to pick up kira from another day at camp jenny so i stopped home first, grabbed my Tracy Joy camera bag full of gear (speaking of which, if you don’t have one yet…get one! my dearest Tracy is closing up shop to concentrate on other things and is having a blowout sale on her awesome bags!)

lucky for me! look what happened!

that didn’t last too long….there go the eyes!

must have been a microscopic bug of some sort flying by or a dog barking 3 miles away. that’s really all it takes for her to loose it.  did i mention she is fast as lighting too. a real joy to photograph.

oh no, someone is jealous?

nothing 057

scram kid! this is a once in a lifetime shot here! i’m losing her as it is without you jumping around like a crazy person! and if i asked you to take a picture you’d be running for the hills like i was asking you to eat something (did i mention kira is a NON-eater, she survives on air and love).

oh wait…she’s back!

believe it or not, i got about 10 more shots that were just as sweet. thank you al for letting gigi check something of the long to-do list. who cares that she is wearing  her infamous night gown attire, we finally got a good shot!

and then we blew bubbles….in her nightgown.

jenny was not happy, back in the tub!

lesson learned…never leave the house without a camera…you never know who might cooperate when you least expect it!

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