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need a good laugh!?

i came across this site a while back and truly laughed out loud. if you have seen it you know what i mean, and if not check it out.

you will see things like this

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i love my camera (alot) but i don’t think i love it as much as he loves his projector. did it really need to be included in the family portrait?

and then there are some really good ones, like this


why didn’t i think of this pose last week! sorry kelly, razickas, corsen family…we could have gotten a real doosey with all seven grand kids for Grandma!


anyone in my family, or friends who knew me during the “glasses” days who is reading this and for one second laughs out loud and even thinks of commenting and asking if this is me, i am telling you now, that it is NOT me! yes my specs were just about that size and yes i have a few dance costume shots while wearing the googles i called glasses, but this is NOT me!


brings me back to the summer of ’87! i think mom made us stop at EVERY Disney picture spot. do they still have these spots clearly marked? i sure hope so…get ready kids, we’ll be snapping at each spot!


again, NOT me! but the typical school photo! i love it!

one last one, because i could go on forever.


i had to include it. i miss my cabbie. it’s a long story for another day. but someone stole her. never to be found again. i think i included her in my easter shots the year she was “born”.

do i find these photo’s so funny because i can relate to almost every single one of them? does it make it so much more enjoyable knowing my mother has endless photo albums of pictures just like these of our family!?

i need to get my hands on those old photo’s a start a whole site or two of my very own!

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