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take 187

alot of people will ask me how i get my kids to take such great pictures? and although i do, on occasion, get that one, sometimes two, keepers that actually journey from my hard drive into a frame and onto my wall, it’s not easy. i am 99.9% sure that photographing your own children is by far the hardest thing to do as a photographer.

it’s frustrating. exhausting. a true pain in the butt.

today i had a delirious moment. i thought it might be “the” day i got a picture of the girls together. i have only waited 8 months to do it! i pulled out the stand, rolled out the paper, fluffed up the fur and quickly cleaned up my rug rats and attempt the “shot”.

for all you doubters who don’t believe that i have to beg, bribe, and threaten my children (child that is, lindz is just starting to run from me and at 8 months old has not yet learned the art of negotiation) today i introduce you to “a session with my kids”. straight out the camera and outtakes included, of course.

i took 187 pictures (not kidding) in our 37 minute “session”. here is just a little tidbit of what i got.

apparently Lindsay smelled like “something”. Kira couldn’t put here finger on it but it was something gross.

p.s.-she was fresh from a scrub down, clean diaper and all. Kira’s first attempt to get out of the shoot. but apparently still smelly.

not sure what they didn’t understand about SIT UP! I said it loud enough to wake up a sleeping cat 3 blocks away.

we’ve just started and lindz is already sooo over it!

how dare i think it would be easy to get them looking at me. even as i sing, dance, whistle and basically act like a fool.

lindz saw something that looked edible.

she’s really a lost cause now!

the rug is itchy.

my back hurts.

im hungry.

oh just forget it.

oh wait someone wants a solo now that i have given up. i didn’t want yet another portrait of just k but i better grab it while i can.

i don’t even know what this is. and i really have nothing to say about it.

she agreed to continue only if “blankie” can be in the shot! just what i needed, a shot of a blanket. but i agreed. i had to deal with it if i was going to be able to continue.

back to being hungry. note the bag of goldfish.

and of course. my last resort. let her play the games we ALWAYS have to play. whether it be one, two, three…OPEN.

freeze dance.

or the ever popular “kid picks the pose”

not sure who she thinks she is!

and then, like clockwork, i get the “mom i’m really done face”.

and i pack it in, hook up the camera to the computer and say a pray, or two. sometimes i find a nice surprise.

when did that happen? .00534% success rate, i’ll take it!

4 thoughts on “take 187

  1. Gosh you are so right…how is that we can take gorgeous pictures of other kids but when it comes to ours it’s like pulling teeth to get them to look at you! The last shot was worth all 187!!!

  2. I could totally relate and people who are not photographers just don’t get it. But you nailed it. They are all special and cute but the last one is super priceless even if it’s image #171.

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