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sleepovers CAN be fun

putting these two in a room together for more than an hour can be very dangerous! but i agreed to hold the first sleepover, at my house that is.

of course i obliged for all the wrong reasons. not so the girls could laugh and play into the wee hours, making memories to last a lifetime. not so that they could roll out the sleeping bags and have a night all to themselves, chatting about lord know what and staying up WAY past their bedtime.

nope. i didn’t hear sleepover. i heard photo op!


kira was not cooperating, i don’t blame her. poor aly is new to the whole photo session thing, kira was running for the hills faster than i could say cheese.

not my al. she just a tad bit of a ham.




i seriously considered photoshoping out that little barbecue sauce stain on her little arm, but then it just wouldn’t be aly that way.


thanks aly for being such a good subject. you have NO idea what your in for now!
