Site Overlay

pictures, edits and cards…oh my!

it has been way too long since i have blogged anything personally on my “side” of this happy little blogsite. i apologize, whole-heartedly, i swear i do!

between shooting, editing, card design, my real life job, two kids, and a mini vacation i have been drowning in all that i love!

sessions are all booked for the holiday season and the end is in sight! if you are looking for a session for this year, for the holidays, i apologize that we booked up so fast this year! i have had the pleasure of meeting and re-shooting such wonderful families, laughing and making friends along the way!

while juggling all of the craziness, i did manage to take part in the redesign process for a VERY important website.



the littlest heroes project was created with the intention of capturing the little fighters in this world that are suffering from a variety of disease and illness. it is such a great cause and something that i am so proud to have offered my design skills to. thank you queen darcy for all your coding magic..this never would have worked without you!

thank you felicia for bringing this project to life.

if you would like to donate your services as a photographer or if you know a little hero yourself, please head over to the site and fill out an application into the program. please forward the information onto any and all families you may come to know that may benefit from the works of the littlest heroes project.

back to shooting and back to more edits…i’ll be back soon my dear blog….soon enough the rush will be behind me and i will be refreshed and reinvented for another year of photo fun!