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my beanbag buddie

as a newborn photographer, we are also searching out ways to make our jobs just a little bit easier, and of course inexpensive. beanbag posing is the core of our newborn business, while its my favorite way to showcase a new bundle of joy beanbag posing can have its complications. uneven, wrinkled fabrics is number one in the drawback category! if your like me, you despise nothing more than a perfectly posed newborn on a slightly wrinkled backdrop. so begins the task of editing out those wrinkles, what can mean countless hours of avoidable editing.

well here’s my solution. its simple, its very inexpensive and extremely easy to use!

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shes not pretty, but she is a time saver!

remove a couple bars and its even portable.

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smooth, tight wrinkle free fabric…ahhhhhh, relief.

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AND now, because i like to share anything and everything that makes life easier, you too can get to building your very own Beanbag Buddie with just a couple of materials and these handy how-to instructions! (this isnt rocket science, nor did i “invent” this little time saver, but i did go ahead and build one specifically for my Shoot Baby bean bag and took the time to photograph and jot down my steps, dimensions and materials used for you, my photographer friends, taking the guess work out so that you too can build and shoot in no time flat).


purchase your how-to here for just $10! (instant download after purchase!) —-> Buy Now

**AGAIN-you are purchasing a how-to build document NOT an actual Backdrop Buddie!**