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day five

my apologize for being so absent here…we had a teeny emergency this past week…get your hearts check y’all!! NO JOKE! my step dad was brought in for emergency double bypass after a angiogram found a 90% blockage in his left main artery…CA-RA-ZY!!!! like super crazy, i saw it… the blockage that is…doc so kindly let us see the films because we werent quite scared enough. hes back home now as of yesterday, resting and doing awesome!

although not nearly the distraction i was hoping for to keep my mind of the mess, so be it here we are…

we have officially entered into “the thick of it”…life in this house is just about in the upside down state. the girls have taken a liking to the fridge that now resides in our living room. were living out of boxes (and they are everywhere) but i haven’t reached my breaking point, just yet.

with the exception of just itty bitty minor set backs (ie 10 inches of snow) were pretty much right on track. walls are out, insulation is in, pipes are moved and today our poor electricians spent just shy of 7 hours moving and rearranging electrical work, and they will still need a few hours to finish tomorrow.

whats keeping me sane? laughing, alot. making light of the mess that surrounds us (which surprisingly inst all that bad. its just clutter but not so much dust and debris). and of course the light at the end of the tunnel. our contractor has a REALLY good way of giving awesome pep talks about the nexts days projects. he keeps it real, tells us what to expect every step of the way and gives me al the good news and keeps the bad news for brian.

here is where were at:

looks all the same as the last update, except our snazzy bigger and perfectly centered window is installed (sure helps ease the OCD) and some new wires and electrical thingamajigs that i know nothing about

that stunning drop cloth hides what will soon be the den off the dining room. its only about 12×10 but enough to for to lounge and relax. the electric is run, but the breakers are off and its approximately -41 degrees in there so your not getting me in it until tomorrow when hopefully floors go in which means sheet rock which means we can finally loose the drop cloth! (its the little things peeps…gotta keep the excitement up!)

this wall will eventually house the stove, that i signed a contract agreeing will get used (at least once a week, im no fool

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my soon to be fabulously stained in a rich deep burnt brown color floors that will be laid in the kitchen and den…we still havent thought out how or where we are putting EVERYTHING else that needs to be removed from EVERYWHERE so that the preexisting floors can be sanded and stained to match the new…eh, we will figure it out (i hope!)

so thats my story. five days in. im tripping over tools. eating in my living room. spending as much times as i can outside of the house and trying to continue to find the bright side and looking forward to whats to come.

next up…things to think about before you think you’ve planned the perfect kitchen!